Month: March 2023

From the Governors Desk – March 2023

Hi Guys!  Morrigan here – with the monthly Governors Letter.  

Sorry it’s a little late – and almost mid-month. Let’s just say a lot has gone on behind the scenes and it’s pushed me to the point where I had to step back from our community for just a short bit while still being accessible to y’all if needed. That’s as easy as juggling frightened skunks… 

I think we all have that happening every now and again, but I’m revved back up to be here for our community and really looking forward to the momentum that’s happened behind the scenes.  

So let me bring y’all up to speed on some things and hopefully keep y’all enervated too.

DRPS BETA – For those participating in the DRPS BETA release – we are introducing hygiene and toilet, adjusting health stats, working with DFS for food (yes!  Ice’s providing us a script to bridge), and will be introducing Medlabs for medicine. 

It’s my hope to see if Medlabs can change scripting to show things to just the physicians vs to everyone and their uncle for text output for roleplay prompts on a lot of the equipment we use for vital signs. As to our roleplay hud – we’ve been working on this for 4 years because the WW Meter just wasn’t suiting our needs.  It’s finally starting to coalesce.  Don’t lose faith now folks.  It’s actually coming together.

There will be a new beta update available soon for folks – and it’s now able to be minimized to two different sizes and has added stats as well as the means to address them.  Again – this is in BETA.  and Pre-Release Beta.  Tom wanted to give folks a chance to have some input, and I don’t want it mandatory use at this time. We will have a channel in Discord dedicated to the DRPS BETA users.  If you want to be part of it and roleplay in Cloudcroft, please let me know.


Cloudcroft Welcome Center – While forced landing is still on – we are working with the Lindens still to figure out why you can’t land at your home with the LCAR Group tag on.  This is going to require some major changes on our behalf if they can’t get it fixed, but it will all work out.


Sunsetting the LCAR Title.  As I am in talks with other communities to link together under that banner using it as a blanket term (similar to the use of the WW term or the Mainland Community Alliance) We will not be entirely sunsetting its existence.  

HOWEVER –  Connor and I have been working to bring things more “Cloudcroft” oriented from the beginning of the year as there is confusion and frustration and I personally hate having to explain NO we aren’t Lincoln County. 

To be explicitly clear, we are not and have never been LCAR County.  

A slight tangent that you’ll hear me go off on in the citizen class?  Lincoln County in NM was the biggest county in NM historically – but when it became a state where we rp at was moved to Otero, and physically we’re not far from the county line but still in “Otero County” not Lincoln County.   If you want some information on Otero county IRL – here’s a great link.,_New_Mexico

In order to help remove this confusion we will be introducing Cloudcroft as the proper terminology in a more frequent manner.  (this means titles in the groups will be updated where they can) This confusion is likely resting at my own feet because I personally created the acronym of Lincoln County Associated Roleplay when we were accepting other communities to dock up against ours.  We froze that about 2 years ago on Easter and hadn’t had the team to unfreeze it at the time.  

We have that team now, but we need to get the process updated/clarified in order to make it possible to do so.  

When I created the acronym I had NO clue there was a term of LCAR used in Star Trek RP… so this is where there is some confusion.  While we are near future SciFi and fit that term comfortably, you aren’t going to see Klingons or any other races running around Cloudcroft.  It just doesn’t happen – or hasn’t.  If it does it’d be an admin/owner’s decision to do so first.

This will be a lot of base materials for our community I need to update.  That will take time, but please understand that it’s actually the preferred term and has been to say we are “Cloudcroft” vs LCAR.  IRL you wouldn’t say you were from your country before your town, and this is no different.

So the TLDR statement there: Our sim’s name is just the region’s name, not our community identity at this point.  We are part of the LCAR because that’s 4 regions right now, but Cloudcroft is where most of us live work and play.  Bonus statement: We’re human, not any other race on the streets.  Unless you are an animal.  Then you still can’t be Mr. Ed.



The LCARP Screen greeter in the welcome center if you show up not wearing your tag? It is gone.  

It will be replaced with a box folks can get.  You will still be asked to accept the Experience.  You just won’t be met with the big green logo when teleporting in, nor will folks get the idea we’re hijacking their screen.  

We are a roleplay community.  We do need to convey that.  We can do it in ways that don’t cause anxiety to anyone in any manner.



Kammy Page (kambrie triellis) has stepped into the role of Event Coordinator for events that will be happening in our region.  This means herding cats and decorating venues for this.  She’ll be able to post to the Events listing on the SL website, change our sim’s streams, and update our events board in the “Welcome Center” and the google calendar for the region.

She will be posting about our St Patrick’s Day event, as well as the monthly business expo in downtown Cloudcroft very soon. 

She’s also sharing promotion of our community at other events her own business is at.



The Ski resort is open.  Please enjoy it in your rp and bring your friends.

The Roller rink is in place, but not entirely finished yet.  It will be soon, with a snack bar that offers DRPS friendly snacks.  We will have a fantastic event for it.  I am sure Kammy will come up with something just phenomenal!

Wrestling will be returning to our community soon too, as our arena has been moved up the hill, on the same ridge as the church.  This will not be PGW wrestling but another organization.

Church parking – yep we got it now.  This lot is shared with the arena and university.  Please keep in mind that we do plan on eventually updating the church building, but for now, it’s fine as is.


IC and OOC Jobs with openings – here is the link to the role form:

As DRPS expands and our new meds do come in – we’ll have a medical bag that can help treat illness.  The Doctors and nurses will need training on this and Artemis University will be conducting classes for doctors.  We encourage those who want to learn this to do so – there’s some cool shit coming our way.

Cooking School
We have a DFS Cooking school in process of being created.  Users will earn certificates to show their prowess.

Archaeology School –
Yep, we have a professor who will be teaching on that subject – more to come.

Elementary/Middle School
Ages under 14 boarding and day school – we have SCCBS for that.  Contact (sarah nikitin) about that.

We don’t have it and someone needs to step up and carry that ball.

Law, Fire Dept and Spaceforce – fill in the form above and your information will be routed to the right person.

Other opportunities we currently have:  Please see the roles at the above link, and if you find something else that fits your rp, let me know.  We’ll see if we can make it fit into what we have happening here.


Our Current Regions within the LCAR:

Right now we are still 4 regions

Lincoln County NM (aka LCNM)
Horten County
Otero County

We are moving some things into Otero to create more land impact to be available in Lincoln County NM Region for renters.  We are all here to be roleplaying, but it’d be nice to make more land impact available for that.


Horten County Status:

Right now I’ll be honest, I don’t know what’s going on there.  Leroy has been pretty sick for a while, and I’ve not personally heard from him in well over a week.  He’s not logged in for a while.  Your rent space is safe there if you rent in HC for now, but we are prepared to provide space for his tenants in the Lincoln County NM region, should his illness keep him from SL at a point where he needs to step away in order to focus on his recovery.



This person would be posting our blurb daily / weekly where permitted into the RP groups.  It’s actually an important OOC role for our community and helps us draw new folks in.  Please note that we need someone who has the reliability to do this without fail, as frankly, I am failing at it, and our traffic will only be increased if we all are here.  You can’t roleplay from afar, we need folks to be here to draw more people and make it all possible.


I am sure there’s so much more to share but I am super exhausted RL from burning the candle at 4 ends.  I’m doing my best to keep everyone updated with all the exciting news including our presence at the Sci-Fi Con on the 31st of March through April 11.

Warm regards
Morrigan Bery
Project Manager OOC
Community owner and “Governor” IC for the LCAR/ set in the state of New Mexico for roleplay purposes only.

Categories: OOC Govs Desk