Month: April 2022

The people of LCAR/Otero County deserve to know the truth…

The people of LCAR/Otero County deserve to know the truth…

So Madame Governor Horten – what is it? This was leaked from the Cloudcroft County Office today.


To: New Mexico Dept. of Economic Development

This is to provide notification of the proposal to develop the area known as the Cloudcroft Mine for future use as a residential/agricultural area. All regulations relating to re-purposing former areas that have been mined have been adhered to. The state’s Dept. of Natural Resources has approved the handling of the land area for any hazardous materials, and has determined that the water on site is potable.
This letter is also to dispel any rumors about bodies being buried at that site dating back to the 1880s. There was no evidence found. Any rumors of such evidence are just hearsay and cannot be proven.

KC Love, attorney
Cloudcroft, NM


DISCLAIMER: This document is for roleplay only purpose and is not reflective of the RL Cloudcroft in the RL state of New Mexico at all. This is all part of a fictional storyline in the world of Second life in the LCAR Associated Regions

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