Month: September 2019

The Train Comes to Cloudcroft

The clouds rumbled, lightning flashed into the afternoon when on September 18 at 2:54pm local time, not only did the road from Montana North open to Lincoln County NM, but the train was able to get through the mountain pass. The good citizens of the small city of Cloudcroft rejoiced as they were able to ride the train all the way through to Dodge City Kansas, from their local train station. With the road opening up into Montana North as well, they are no longer reliant on the mountain passes into both Purgatory River, Colorado East, and Stillwater Territory. The locals are friendly, the beer is cheap in the saloon, we’re not sure there are jobs and housing aplenty for those who want to come to see for themselves, and maybe take residence in its affordable housing. The cost of living is low in Cloudcroft, Lincoln County NM and the community has a little for all folks. To get there, first, make sure you are on the original WW Continent, take any west and northbound train, or by horseback or cart, take the north road in Montana North and just keep going.

The first steam train into Lincoln County Arrives!

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